A national network for women education leaders.

The Challenge

Across industries, women, particularly women of color, are vastly underrepresented in positions of leadership. Our nation’s school systems are no exception.

Despite the fact that women comprise 76% of our teacher workforce, women represent less than 30% of district superintendents. And those who do reach the top tend to earn far less than their male counterparts.

This inequity doesn’t just hurt women—it deprives our students of the vision and leadership of more than half the talent pool.

We tell our students that with hard work they can achieve anything. Yet when it comes to the highest levels of leadership within our own field, only a few women ever actually reach the top.

It’s up to us to change the odds.

Graphic of three women

An Opportunity

We first began as an affinity group that brought together a core group of both seasoned and aspiring women education leaders to leverage the power of a network and peer learning for career growth and sustainability. 

In the course of our work, nearly all of these women applied for at least one superintendent search, and two-thirds landed superintendent roles. At the same time, data we collected in partnership with the Superintendent Research Project surfaced stark gender equity and pay gaps in educational leadership across the nation’s largest 500 school districts.

To meet growing demand and stem this crisis, Women Leading Ed was born and a new national network was created.

In partnership with current and former superintendents, we’re working to grow and strengthen the pipeline of future leaders through cohort-based leadership training programs and intentional network building.

Our Approach

Women Leading Ed is an ever-expanding national network for women superintendents and those who aspire to land the top CEO roles in districts, states, and public charter networks.

We’ve supported over 100 women (and counting) to navigate the politics of leadership by building in trust, relationship, and networks.

What We Offer

  • Individual and group coaching, including support entering and advancing in searches, and building the foundations for long-term impact

  • Monthly virtual meetings and access to experts, including current and former women superintendents

  • An annual in-person summit

  • Facilitated peer networking within and across cohorts

  • Practical learning opportunities to build skills and resilience as women go for the top jobs and sustain in them for the long-run